Allergies Specialist

Joshua James, MD -  - Board-Certified ENT Specialist

Joshua James, MD

Board-Certified ENT Specialist located in McKinney, TX & Frisco, TX

Allergies affect the lives of nearly 50 million people in the United States. As a board-certified ENT, Joshua C. James, MD, understands how frustrating it can be to manage allergies with just over-the-counter medications. Dr. James offers both on-site allergy testing and comprehensive allergy treatment services at his Frisco and McKinney, Texas, offices. He uses sublingual drop immunotherapy and other customized approaches to treat and prevent allergy symptoms. To schedule allergy testing, book an appointment online, or calling the office of Joshua C. James, MD, today.

Allergies Q & A

What are allergies?

Allergies are your body’s overreaction to substances in your environment that are generally harmless. When you’re in contact with these substances, your immune system produces antibodies that cause symptoms like inflammation in your sinuses and airways, skin rash, and digestive system upset.

Some of the most common allergy triggers include:

  • Mold
  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Latex
  • Insect bites

Ingredients in foods and certain medications can also trigger an allergic reaction.

Allergies can cause a reaction that ranges from mild to serious. Some people go on to experience anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction that causes sudden inflammation in your throat and airways that makes it difficult to take in air. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.

How are allergies diagnosed?

To determine the underlying allergies that trigger your symptoms, Dr. James offers in-office allergy testing. This may involve bloodwork to detect the presence of antibodies or a skin prick test.

During skin testing, Dr. James pricks your skin with small amounts of potential allergens to assess your reaction. If you have an allergy, a red, raised bump develops on your skin soon after exposure to the substance.

While allergy testing does expose you to substances that may prove to be allergens to you, Dr. James carefully supervises the testing for your health and safety.

How are allergies treated?

You may benefit from over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications to treat nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes common with seasonal allergies.

Dr. James also offers immunotherapy, a process to expose your body to small amounts of known allergies over a period of time. This exposure reduces your body’s overreaction to the substance to prevent recurrent symptoms.

Allergy shots involve injections of tiny amounts of allergens into your body in a controlled environment. As an alternative to the injections, Dr. James offers sublingual drop therapy, an allergy treatment that involves placing liquid drops under your tongue.

Additionally, Dr. James works with you on a plan to avoid known allergens in your everyday life. This plan includes emergency treatment options such as a prescription epinephrine pen if you have anaphylaxis.

You don’t have to suffer through another allergy season alone. Call the office of Joshua C. James, MD, to schedule allergy testing, or request a consultation through the online booking system today.