Runny Nose Specialist

Joshua James, MD -  - Board-Certified ENT Specialist

Joshua James, MD

Board-Certified ENT Specialist located in McKinney, TX & Frisco, TX

Joshua C. James, MD, specializes in treating a persistent runny nose associated with chronic sinusitis, allergies, or other conditions. At his ENT office in Frisco and McKinney, Texas, Dr. James provides on-site diagnostic testing to uncover the root cause of your nasal drainage. He offers customized treatments, including minimally invasive surgery and ClariFix® cryotherapy, to provide you with long-lasting relief of a runny nose and related symptoms. Learn more about the benefits of ClariFix for treating a runny nose by calling the practice or by requesting a consultation through the online booking feature.

Runny Nose Q & A

What causes a runny nose?

A runny nose describes the persistent drainage of fluids from your nasal passages. This fluid may range from a thin, clear liquid to a thick, discolored mucus. Fluids can also drain down the back of your throat.

You may have a runny nose due to contact with environmental substances that irritate or inflame the tissues in your nasal passages, such as certain chemicals or because of dry air. Other common causes of a runny nose include:

  • Allergies
  • Colds and flu
  • Nasal polyps
  • Sinus infection
  • Deviated septum
  • Acute and chronic sinusitis

You should schedule a diagnostic evaluation with Dr. James if your runny nose lasts longer than 10 days or if a fever, discolored discharge, or facial pain accompanies your runny nose.

How is a runny nose diagnosed?

To identify the underlying cause of your runny nose, Dr. James physically examines the interior of your nose to check for a deviated septum or noticeable inflammation. He may also use a special scope to look deeper into your sinus cavities to confirm sinusitis or nasal polyps.

Dr. James also reviews your personal and family medical histories. He may ask questions about your job or lifestyle that might increase your risk for a runny nose, such as working around chemicals or dust.

Based on the results of your evaluation, Dr. James customizes a treatment plan to resolve your runny nose and protect your overall respiratory health.

How is a runny nose treated?

Treating a runny nose that results from a cold, allergies, or an infection may require medications. Antihistamines or anti-inflammatories can reduce swelling and nasal discharge. You may need a course of antibiotics to clear an existing infection.

Dr. James also specializes in ClariFix®, a minimally invasive cryotherapy procedure that provides long-lasting relief of runny nose and related symptoms. 

Cryotherapy uses freezing technology to restore balance in your nervous system. This works by disrupting the nerve signals that travel to your brain and tell your nose to run or swell.

ClariFix is both safe and effective in the treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion not relating to allergies. The in-office procedure takes just a few minutes and requires minimal downtime.

If you have a deviated septum or nasal polyps that cause persistent drainage, you may need surgery to correct it. Dr. James offers in-office sinus surgery, including balloon sinuplasty, to improve your sinus drainage system.

If you need help managing a persistently runny nose, schedule a consultation online or by calling the office of Joshua C. James, MD, today.