Sinus Surgery Specialist

Joshua James, MD -  - Board-Certified ENT Specialist

Joshua James, MD

Board-Certified ENT Specialist located in McKinney, TX & Frisco, TX

If you need sinus surgery to treat nasal polyps or improve sinus drainage, you can rely on the expertise of Joshua C. James, MD. As a board-certified ENT specialist, Dr. James offers in-office sinus surgery procedures, including balloon sinuplasty, at the office in Frisco and McKinney, Texas. He customizes your treatment plan and uses the latest technologies to improve your breathing and treat recurring sinus issues. To find out if you’re a candidate for sinus surgery, call the office of Joshua C. James, MD, or request an appointment online today.

Sinus Surgery Q & A

Why would I need sinus surgery?

Sinus surgery is typically a treatment option to correct issues that interfere with your breathing. 

Your sinuses are responsible for producing mucus to clear unwanted bacteria and other debris out of your sinus cavities. The mucus also provides moisture to your nasal passages to prevent dryness and nosebleeds.

When you experience frequent inflammation or infection in your sinus cavities, you may be a candidate for sinus surgery. The goal of surgery is to improve mucus drainage and remove obstructions that affect how you breathe.

Dr. James may recommend sinus surgery to treat conditions that don’t respond to medications or other therapies. These conditions include:

  • Nasal polyps
  • Sleep apnea
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Recurrent infections

Before recommending surgery, Dr. James reviews your medical history, the severity of your symptoms, and your overall health to make sure you can tolerate surgery.

What types of sinus surgery are available?

To provide you with the best outcome, Dr. James uses the latest technologies during surgery. He focuses on minimally invasive techniques to treat your condition without causing unnecessary trauma to your nose. 

Depending on your condition, you may need:

Endoscopic sinus surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery uses a thin, flexible scope with an attached camera to get a clear picture of your inner nasal structures and sinus cavities. 

Through the scope, Dr. James can put specialized surgical instruments through the scope to remove polyps, repair a deviated septum, and improve drainage in your sinus cavities.

Balloon sinuplasty

Dr. James also performs in-office balloon sinuplasty. This type of sinus surgery uses a tiny balloon attached to the scope that travels up through your nasal passages and into your sinus cavities. 

When the balloon is in the proper position, Dr. James inflates it to widen the inflamed passages before deflating and removing it.

Because minimally invasive techniques are less traumatic on your body, you can expect to heal quickly after sinus surgery. Dr. James continues to monitor your progress after surgery to ensure you can breathe easily, sleep better, and aren’t prone to recurrent infections.

To find out more about the benefits of sinus surgery, schedule a consultation online or by calling the office of Joshua C. James, MD today.