Nasal Obstruction Specialist

Joshua James, MD -  - Board-Certified ENT Specialist

Joshua James, MD

Board-Certified ENT Specialist located in McKinney, TX & Frisco, TX

Chronic nasal congestion may be an indication that you have an underlying nasal obstruction. To improve your breathing and treat loud snoring, Joshua C. James, MD, offers customized treatment plans at his ENT office in Frisco and McKinney, Texas. Dr. James provides minimally invasive surgery options to remove nasal obstructions and improve airflow through your nasal passages. He also uses the innovative VivAer® procedure to treat common causes of nasal congestion without surgery. Learn more about your options for addressing symptoms of nasal obstruction by calling the McKinney office or by requesting an appointment online today.

Nasal Obstruction Q & A

What causes nasal obstruction?

Nasal obstruction describes an inability to breathe properly because of a blockage in your nasal passages or your sinus cavities.

This blockage may be the result of:

  • Tumors
  • Allergies
  • Nasal polyps
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Enlarged adenoids

You may also have trouble breathing if a deviated septum creates an obstruction in your nasal passages.

What are common signs of nasal obstruction?

You may have a nasal obstruction if you experience a persistent runny nose or stuffy nose or have recurrent sinus infections. A nasal obstruction can also cause your voice to sound strange.

Other signs you may have a nasal obstruction include:

  • Snoring
  • Mouth-breathing
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Chronic fatigue

When over-the-counter medicines aren’t enough to improve your breathing, you should schedule a diagnostic evaluation with Dr. James.

How is a nasal obstruction treated?

Treatment for nasal obstruction depends on the root cause of your condition. Dr. James customizes your treatment plan to your needs and may recommend one or more treatments to relieve symptoms of a nasal obstruction.

You may need surgery to correct a deviated septum or to remove nasal polyps or other abnormal growths. Dr. James uses minimally invasive, endoscopic surgical techniques to correct nasal congestion and improve airflow through your nasal passages.

Dr. James also offers a nonsurgical alternative to traditional surgery. He uses the VivAer® procedure to open your nasal airways and provide you with long-lasting results.

How does VivAer address nasal obstruction?

VivAer uses low-current radiofrequency energy to heat and reshape your nasal tissues. By addressing the underlying cause of nasal congestion, you can breathe better and enjoy long-lasting results.

The VivAer procedure can reduce the ongoing need for medications and immediately improve your overall breathing. This treatment can also address snoring that is related to obstructive sleep apnea and reduce your risk for recurrent sinus infections.

If you’re limited by chronic nasal congestion or facial pain due to a nasal obstruction, you can find relief by calling the office of Joshua C. James, MD, or by requesting an evaluation online today.